




USS Greenville SSN 772

(会社員/T.K 横浜市)


一八八七年(明治二十年)三月、当時の池島は八十三戸、三百七十人の孤島であった。オマハ号は二、三キロ沖を航行中、砲撃演習として池島に向け、実弾二十から三十発を発射した。無人島と思ったという。 その中の不発弾を島民達は小学校に集めた。一個が爆発して死者四人、重傷者七名を出した。 外国軍艦の領海内射撃訓練は国際法に違反するため、政府間の折衝となり、米政府は長崎港のオマハ号艦上で米国軍法会議予審を開き、艦長は罷免された。しかし、翌年の本国での軍法会議で艦長は無罪となり、復帰した。



投書の英訳 /English translation of a contribution
It is related with the "Ehime-Maru" incident with which it collided off Hawaii in U.S. atomic submarine" Greenville".

The new fact is clear one after another involving the U.S. atomic submarine which it collided [atomic submarine] and sank "Ehime-Maru". By this report, I remembered the U.S. Forces warship Omaha bombardment incident in which grandfathers experienced by Ikeshima of Nagasaki Prefecture.

March, 1887 (Meiji 20) U.S Omaha discharged from 30 from the live cartridge 20 towards Ikeshima as a bombardment exercise, while cruising the 2 or 3km offing. It is said that the uninhabited island was thought. People of an island and others brought the unexploded shell in it together in the elementary school. One piece exploded and four dead persons and seven seriously injured persons were taken out. In order that shooting training in territorial waters of a foreign warship might break international law, it became intergovernmental negotiation, the U.S. government opened the U.S. court-martial preliminary examination by the Omaha aboard a war vessel of the Nagasaki harbor, and the captain of a warship was dismissed. However, by the court-martial in native country of the next year, the captain of a warship was found guilty, and returned.

The U.S. government paid 20,000 yen to the victim and the bereaved family in Japanese yen of those days in 1889. It was a maximum of 3,500 yen per one person (death). My grandfather became a serious injury and received 1200 yen compensation. He saved it as an education expense for the child (my father). Although this incident has appeared in the local history of a town etc., the importance of the fact of an incident being told correctly has not still changed a long time ago, either. I think that I want the U.S. Forces to correspond sincerely. The new fact is clear one after another involving U.S.

From Japanese News Paper Asahi Shinbun (2001/03/10)
The contribution of the persons concerned.

USS Omaha (1872-1915)
1872年9月に任務についた。前半の10年間は南部および北大西洋上で活躍した。 1880年は係留されていたが現役復帰し、アジアへ。1885年からは極東全域で約5年を過ごし、1891年にアメリカ本国へ戻った、その後、任務を解かれメイア島軍造船所に係留された。


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